
About the Riding

Once upon a time, there were very few SCAdians in York County, the southernmost part of Maine. Almost all who lived there were members of households chartered in Stonemarche (New Hampshire) and tended to participate more in Stonemarche events than in Malagentian events. The situation was compounded when the territory was misclassified as part of Stonemarche using the zip code prefix 039.

Inhabitants of this border area, seemingly neither Stonemarche nor Malagentia, decided they needed a group name. There is a town in England called Giggleswick, which we thought was perfect, and we began calling ourselves the Borough (Burro) of Giggleswick.

The zip code mistake was discovered and the 039 area was reassigned to Malagentia. Stonemarche, at the time, had a regular archery practice in Elen Alswyth’s backyard in Giggleswick. Malagentia’s “new claim” seemed a good excuse for an archery war. So Master Harold penned a declaration of war between Stonemarche and Malagentia – written in pig latin, and penned in luxuille miniscule. It was casually delivered to the Seneschal of Malagentia, but not translated. Needless to say, no representatives from Malagentia appeared at the designated time and place (though visitors from Mountain Freehold were pressed into duty as mercenaries). The Stonemarche archers won, not surprisingly, and the mercenaries presented their bill to Malagentia, payable in beer.

This now provided an excellent pretext for the Great Northeastern War to be waged between Malagentia and Stonemarche, over Giggleswick. Malagentia won, thus establishing their authority over Giggleswick, by Royal decree as well as by Corpora rule. However, most of the inhabitants of Giggleswick still considered themselves part of Stonemarche, and so pleaded to the King that they be allowed to retain their ties and not suffer recriminations from Malagentia. The King graciously allowed this, decreeing that while the land was part of Malagentia, Stonemarche would be tasked to ensure that the people of Giggleswick, who raised arms against Malagentia, would suffer no reprisals. The Baron of Stonemarche immediately adopted the title “Protector of the People of Giggleswick”, claimed by his successors to this day.

However, in the many years since that day, Giggleswick has loosened its ties to Stonemarche and made new and stronger ties with Malagentia. A new generation of Giggleswickians formally established the Riding of Giggleswick as part of the Province of Malagentia.


This group is held and managed by the Riding of Giggleswick, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to seneschal@giggleswick.eastkingdom.org or to socialmedia@eastkingdom.org. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

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